Tuesday, March 15, 2011

love and ramblings from the sibs

Charlie is smitten. He is constantly in her face. Constantly wanting to touch her.
His favorite game with her: cheekie to cheekie, ear to ear, head to head..you get the picture.

He must tell her he loves her 20 times a day. It is super sweet! And just as many kisses to her head!

Johanna's ramblings: " I love her so much because she is warm and cuddly"
"She is the cutest baby in the whole world"

"I GUESS I will share her with daddy"

"I love her hair cause it is fluffy..especially after it gets washed"

Welcome little one to the world of being a little sister.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

my 5 days in the hospital

February 28th...on my way to the surgery suite

prepping to take Vivianna out with Charles by my side. My co-worker and friend also there to take pictures.
I was nervous but had a calm and peace I didn't have with my other 2 c-sect.

Sarah another co-worker took care of her when she came out.
Vivianna came out screaming loudly!!

Charles' new tattoo!!

Charles cutting the cord.

A whopping 8lbs 10 oz.
She was so chunky she couldn't even open her eyes.

Getting checked out, and was told she was healthy, yaaaaa!

She cried for about an hour straight after being born, then after feeding her she finally fell asleep.
But it was short lived.

Our 2nd day in hospital.
Waiting for brother and sister, grandpa and grandma.

Johanna fell in love and wanted to be the only one to hold her.

proof that I am a mother of 3!!!!!!!!
This picture was hard to capture because Charlie just wanted to push the buttons on the bed making my head go up and down.

Charlie's turn but Johanna didn't go far. Charlie said "hi Vivianna" then paused and said "She didn't say hi to me"

Soon after this Charles didn't feel good and went home sick.
Post-op day 2 I was by myself.
My mom took care of the kids while Charles slept at home.
My mom came at 9pm to help me out.

Day3: Alone again with the girl. After being told by the pediatrician and OB Doc that I could go home but I shouldn't because Charles was sick I settled in for another night.

Day 4: I have no pictures of this day. It was a stressful day!
Vivianna kept me up all night the night before, I was alone and in pain.
In the morning I was told the nurse heard an arrhythmia and they wanted to do an EKG before they let her go. They did the EKG test at 10am.
I prepared for the best. I was packed and all my stuff loaded in my mom's car.
We waited till 530pm before the cardiologist read it.
He said there was no arrhythmias but it the pattern of her heart beat indicated that her ventricle in her heart was enlarged. They wanted to do a heart ultrasound to check it out.
More waiting and more tears. I was tired, sad, missing my husband, and hormonal. I was a mess. All I could do was hang on to God's grace and providence.
I kept thinking of the scripture "Be still and know that I am God"
They did the ultrasound at 730pm and the cardiologist read the report from home (as a favor that I really really appreciate!!) and text-ed the pediatrician stating that the ultrasound was OK and I could go home.
Soo relieved and thankful to our good Lord for this wonderful wonderful news!!
They told me at 930pm I could go home but I was so tired all I could think about was sleep sooo another night in the hospital. We both slept well that night and in the morning....

Day 5: we were dressed and ready to go home by 9am.
Just had to wait for my dad to come give us a ride.

Yay on my way out of the hospital!!!!!!!!!

At home, finally! It is good to be home with my husband and kids!!
I am so thankful to be home! Time for Charles to bond with his new baby.....

Although hard to be away from home or so long I realized what a sweet time I had bonding with Vivianna.
We had a lot of alone time. Time for me to hold her, feed her, sleep with her, stare at her, falling deeply in love with her!

Welcome my beautiful baby Vivianna. Thank you Lord for this wonderful gift.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

4 More Days!

So most people, when about to give birth do some nesting. I am assuming that this means that they are getting ready for the baby. Well I did do some of that but mostly I have been obbsesed with working on some projects. I took 2 photography classes, read about DSLR's for dummies, talked with some photographers for some tips. I want to learn how to take GOOD pictures..no beautiful breath taking pictures.

Well, I figure out that it is a gift and I don't really have it. I can come out with some nice pictures (you know after taking a few hundred) but I am sadly understanding it isn't my natural talent like so many people have.
But that is okay.....

I moved on to making headbands.....I collected flowers, material, headbands, glue, felt and started at it. (I know it really sounds like my hormones have gone crazy) I will post some mediocre pictures of them later. As my model, my daughter, has been sick with a cold, who then passed it on to my son who then passed it on to my husband.
I hope and pray I don't get it since I have 4 more days till my c-sect. Yay! I really do want a healthy family when she comes into our lives!
When Charles told me yesterday he felt like he had "it" (the cold) I had a bit of an anxiety attack. But God reminded me of this scripture:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Phillipians 4:6

Monday, February 14, 2011

Charlie's 3rd Birthday

He is obssesed with tractors!!
A perfect theme for a party for a little boy! My mom made the cake!!
All John deere colors...., outside was beautiful!!!!!!!!!

Gift bags for the kids.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tactile Learning

We took the playdoo out for some educational tactile learning......
Charlie was to do shapes, notice the attention he was giving the shapes ..hmmm

Johanna was to make numbers and put them in order, she did well!

Charlie most definitely was more interested in his playdoo blob toy. Boys!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

No more!

So I had my last ultrasound. Baby looks healthy maybe a little too healthy! The doctor laughed at her chunky fingers and was "wowed" by her measurements (I wasn't laughing). So are you ready....she is in the 94th percentile for her gestational age. (meaning only 6% of babies at her age weighs more than her!!) She is already 6 lbs 2 0z. and I have 5 weeks to go! I knew there was a reason I was soo ready to deliver. What she will weigh when she is born, well only time will tell. But I can tell you that she feels big!
My mom made the baby and Johanna matching hats. So sweet!

Just when I need more naps and rest time, Charlie decides he doesn't need naps anymore. Sometime kids have perfect timing (being sarcastic) So for my sanity we are trying "quiet time" and well it works for a little while. We have a nap blanket and the kids are allowed to bring their pillows and their animals they sleep with.

They can read, and whisper to each other and just rest. My dream was that they would fall asleep but ummm not even close. Well sometimes it is the parent who has a hard time letting go of those baby type behaviors and not the kids. Hmmm I am in mourning.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm Due February!

My shirt reads "I'm due February" A friend made this for me. I was tired of the comments, "you must be due any day now" Wow, you are so big, when are you due?" Now there is no question about it, I have one more month. Yikes....I can't imagine getting bigger than this!!
photo courtesy of Johanna Pope

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thank you for the sun!

Loving the sunshine and the warmth! Today is the perfect weather!! Loving it!

Love seeing my children with smiles on their faces. We have been cooped up way too long.

p.s. I am ready for this baby of mine to come out.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Count down has just began

We had a very quiet and simple New Years Eve. My sister came over and her daughter and my kids had an early countdown. They had poppers that shot out confetti and then they just wanted to get back to playing with the toys! Nice, simple and we all went to bed early.
Which is good for me since this pregnancy thing is really hard on me. Who would of thought a few years would add so much more difficulty to carrying a baby. My back hurts so bad that it often brings me to tears. Heartburn, crankiness, well I could go on but I won't. Who wants to hear all the complaints of ones life. All I can say is the only way I can get through this is through the grace of God. So my new years resolution isn't a resolution, they are prayers. Because I have come to learn that I can't possibly do things on my own. I pray I can endure the last two months of this pregnancy, I pray for a healthy baby, I pray that I can handle 3 children and love them all like they deserve. I pray that I treat my children with patience and love.......

Like when my daughter asks "please can I do my homework"

or my son asks "mom, play with me!"

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13