Monday, August 30, 2010

We are home!

We are home from out 7 day trip to Oregon. It was jammed pack with lots of fun and activities. Everyone stayed healthy and the weather was nice and cool. I have been doing laundry all day (7 loads to be exact and I still have 5 more to go). I work 12 hours tomorrow, but as soon as I get some rest I will post more about our trip.

Enjoying our campfire and yummy marshmellows!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I can finally breathe

After feeling like I was going to have an anxiety attack when thinking of having 3 children, I can finally breathe normal now. I still don't know how we will do it or where this new child will sleep....but I am getting use to the idea. So in my desperation of trying to get things in order before a baby comes to rock our world, I decided that we needed to potty train Charlie asap. Well, it is going so-so with some frustrations, mostly because I don't think he is ready. Will keep you posted on that. I also decided that the kids can and should share a room. We moved Charlie's toddler bed into Johanna's room to see how they would do. It was a horrible, miserable failure! He (and that means we all) didn't sleep for a week. Charlie would talk, laugh, play around the whole time. We threatened, we bribed, we tried it all to get him to sleep. The day we moved him back to his bed was the day he took all of Johanna's sheets off her bed, took her wall decorations off her wall (where the tacks went ..who knows) and when we went in the room he just smiled like he was proud of what he did. Sooooo really we have gotten nothing in order yet.
I have to slow down and just take life the way it comes at me and enjoy my time with them. I feel like I need everything just right before I add a new one but I am learning quickly that this isn't going to happen. So what do I!!! That will make me feel better, right???

No seriously, one of my other goals is to not gain 40ish pounds again, this has yet to happen in my gene pool. Will let you know if I am still determined at Christmas time.

Monday, August 9, 2010

A BIG Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soooo........ it isn't a tumor, it isn't menopause, it is a baby!!! Wow! I am in total and utter shock. In fact it was hard to breathe for a few days after finding out (at 9 1/2 weeks). No wonder I haven't been feeling good!! No wonder I was tired all the time. Here is the baby, it was waving at me and I really think laughing!!

I never ever thought I would have 3 children. I always looked at those who had 3 children in awe.....(how do they do it, it must be crazy at bed time, etc etc).
So what if I just now lost all my pregnancy weight from Charlie,
so what if our extra room is filled now with new furniture and exercise equipment,
so what if I have AMA after my name on my medical records (advanced maternal age),
so what if Charles had a vasectomy right after Charlie was born
so what if we got rid of all our baby stuff
Children ARE a blessing from the Lord! And God must of really wanted this baby to be born into this world.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The bad, the good and the unknown!

After the 4th of July illness, Charlie came down with another fever and rash. We cancelled our camping reservations and thought we would stay home. Two days into our vacation (we were at home) we decided to do something fun..the railroad museum. On the way there we decided that we would much rather be in Tahoe soooo we turned around on the freeway went home and packed for Tahoe. We forgot lots of things and ended up at Motel 6 but it was well worth it!

For those of you who know Charles this was something out of his norm to do (just pick up and go). Way to go Charles!

These two girls are inseparable!

Charlie wanted to be at the beach everyday and even though his lips were blue and he was shivering he didn't want out of the water! It was good we went.
Now for the unknown: I have been having some "medical" issues lately that have been unexplainable. My doctor wants to talk with me tomorrow at 1130. Madalyn is coming from Monterey to watch the kids so Charles can be there with me, I think I might need a shoulder to lean on. I am nervous and anxious and my prayer is this: that I would have a peace that is beyond my understanding and that I would trust in His plan for my life. Till tomorrow.........