Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I can finally breathe

After feeling like I was going to have an anxiety attack when thinking of having 3 children, I can finally breathe normal now. I still don't know how we will do it or where this new child will sleep....but I am getting use to the idea. So in my desperation of trying to get things in order before a baby comes to rock our world, I decided that we needed to potty train Charlie asap. Well, it is going so-so with some frustrations, mostly because I don't think he is ready. Will keep you posted on that. I also decided that the kids can and should share a room. We moved Charlie's toddler bed into Johanna's room to see how they would do. It was a horrible, miserable failure! He (and that means we all) didn't sleep for a week. Charlie would talk, laugh, play around the whole time. We threatened, we bribed, we tried it all to get him to sleep. The day we moved him back to his bed was the day he took all of Johanna's sheets off her bed, took her wall decorations off her wall (where the tacks went ..who knows) and when we went in the room he just smiled like he was proud of what he did. Sooooo really we have gotten nothing in order yet.
I have to slow down and just take life the way it comes at me and enjoy my time with them. I feel like I need everything just right before I add a new one but I am learning quickly that this isn't going to happen. So what do I do......eat!!! That will make me feel better, right???

No seriously, one of my other goals is to not gain 40ish pounds again, this has yet to happen in my gene pool. Will let you know if I am still determined at Christmas time.

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